Singles Mingle

What is the purpose of a Singles Mingle event?

The purpose of an event is to create a scenario where single people can make new acquaintances in a fun environment when playing pickleball.

It is not unusual for people to form relationships that lead to dating. For that reason there are age categories put in place. For example, it would not be great if a 32 year old was the only person under the age of 50. The events currently being offered are for single people aged 50 and up.

In the future we could have an event for those under the age of 50 if we get enough interest. We can also have an event for those aged 40 to 55 or 50 to 65 – whatever the demand is.

What if someone is interested in meeting others but has never played pickleball?

This is not an issue. For anyone wishing to participate there is free training. Typically a person is ready to participate after a 2 hour training session.

What if others have been playing a long time and are skilled players?

Again, this is not an issue. Correspondence is sent to all participants prior to an event and people are reminded that there are some newbies that will be participating. Participants are reminded that this is not about winning and more about getting to know other singles. Everyone is urged not to spike the ball.

How many people can participate in an event?

There are 16 men and 16 women that can participate. Since we play at a venue that has 4 courts, 16 people play at a time (8 men and 8 women) while the other 16 await their turn. When people are not playing they mingle.

When are these held and what is the format?

So far these events have been held on Saturdays to cater to those that cannot participate during the week due to work commitments. Holding one during the week from time to time would be fine providing there was enough interest.

An event normally lasts just over 4 hours. The following is an example of what to expect as far as times and activities:

What are the scheduled games all about?

A schedule is created ahead of time and posted for everyone to follow. For each game a man and a woman are teamed up to play against another couple. Your partner will change from game to game to ensure that you meet as many people as possible through the event.

What is the cost?

The price for such events is kept reasonable at $25. This includes snacks.

How successful have these events been?

There have been many positive comments from those who participated since the inaugural event in August 2024. Contributing to the success is the input that has been received. A survey is sent out after an event asking participants what they liked and if they have recommendations for changes.

What will be different in the April event from previous ones and why is this exciting?

April will be the first time that a new format is introduced where each person will play with all 16 members of the opposite sex. This ties into the goal of Singles Mingle – to have the opportunity to meet and mingle with as many people as possible in the allotted time frame.

A survey will be sent after the April event but chances are very good that this format will become the new standard for Singles Mingle events.